Upcoming events

Upcoming events

    • 11/20/2024
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • Zoom
    Why Become a Consultant
    Matt Feldmann will take on the question of Why. Why 'what' you ask? Why..
    ...leave your job and all of that so called security?
    ...take a chance on yourself?
    ...figure out how to be independent?
    ...work out of your home?
    ...have flexible time for your family or yourself?
    ...make more money than you did as a W-2 employee?
    ...suffer the agony of marketing and sales?
    ...set up a business?
    ...enjoy working with the clients/project YOU choose to work with?
    Why ...become an independent evaluation consultant?

    Matt will share survey data from the Independent Consulting TIG about experiences from new independent consultants. He also will share his own Top 10 list of whys. The session will focus on questions and engaging conversational chats about the topic.

    Matt is an experienced program evaluator, educational researcher, and firm director for Goshen Consulting, located in Edwardsville, Illinois (the furthest southern suburb of Chicago). He has more than 25 years of experience as a contractor, evaluator, and principal investigator with federal grants. Matt completed his doctorate in education from Iowa State University with a focus on postsecondary finance. He has developed special competencies for quasi-experimental evaluation approaches, large dataset analysis, approaches to STEM education, student at-risk identification, and educator shortage. He has extensive experience with programs funded by the National Science Foundation, US Department of Education, Department of Defense, Department of Labor, NASA, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, SAMHSA, nonprofits and state agencies including the Illinois State Board of Education.  

    Matt helped found the Evaluation Association of St. Louis and was the founding president of the organization from 2018 – 2022. He is a leader in the American Evaluation Association and currently hosts a weekly session with independent consultants (IC Topic Chats).
    • 12/12/2024
    • 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
    • Zoom

    Save the date for our Annual Meeting!

    Thursday 12/12 at 2 pm CST via zoom.

Past events

09/18/2024 CEA In-Person Networking Event
08/08/2024 CEA Summer Social - Music in the Park (Rescheduled*)
07/15/2024 (POSTPONED, New date TBD) CEA Summer Social - Music in the Park
05/29/2024 Donna M. Mertens - Transformative Designs in Mixed Methods: What We’ve Learned from Listening to Marginalized Communities
03/26/2024 Speed Networking Event (virtual)
02/21/2024 Conquering Evaluation Challenges
01/24/2024 4 Ways to Engage You Community in the Evaluation Process
12/11/2023 CEA 2023 Annual Meeting
11/28/2023 Teaching and Learning Evaluation in a Formal Setting: Panel Discussion
11/08/2023 Eval 2023 Discussion/Debrief
10/11/2023 Eval 2023 - CEA Happy Hour Social
08/28/2023 Conquering Evaluation Challenges
07/31/2023 CEA Social - Music in the Park
06/14/2023 Reimagining IRBs
05/31/2023 Partner Event: Empowering Emerging Evaluators, Encompass Learning Center
04/12/2023 Ask Stephanie Evergreen Your Data Visualization and Business Development Questions!
03/16/2023 CEA Conversations Series: Developmental Evaluation with Larry Washington
02/07/2023 Partner Event (series of 5!): Evaluation Association of St. Louis - Evaluation Leaders Series.
02/01/2023 CEA Member Wellness Event!
01/20/2023 Partner event - Designing Interactive Dashboards with Excel and Google (1/20 & 1/27)
12/08/2022 CEA 2022 Annual Meeting
11/09/2022 CEA Dinner @ AEA 2022! (Location updated!)
11/04/2022 Unpacking Health Equity within Institutions and Communities: A Roundtable Discussion
10/25/2022 Gender Inclusive Language and Data Collection with Howard Brown Health (updated date)
07/21/2022 CEA Social Hour - with free live music!
06/14/2022 The Pedagogy of Evaluation: A participatory, action-oriented, and democratic approach to evaluation with Emely Medina-Rodriguez
04/28/2022 CEA Networking and Collective Wisdom Event
03/31/2022 Conquering Evaluation Challenges
12/08/2021 CEA Annual Meeting *Date Change*
11/19/2021 CEA Lunchtime Ignite
10/26/2021 At the Intersection of Systems Transformation and Community Transformation: A Discussion with Michael Quinn Patton and Dominica McBride
10/04/2021 Introduction to Chicagoland Evaluation Association with Pro-Tips from CEA Members
09/14/2021 ‘Doin’ it for the culture’: Growing in Your Culturally Responsive Evaluation Journey with LaShaune Johnson
08/23/2021 CEA Outdoor Social at Millennium Park
06/16/2021 Defining and measuring success: A practical framework for evaluation design and capacity building
05/13/2021 Whole-Hearted Interpersonal Practices: Strengthening our Core with Libby Smith
04/20/2021 Designing Quality Survey Questions with Sheila Robinson
04/16/2021 Indiana Evaluation Association Event: Power Up Your Facilitation: In-Person and Virtual Tools for Group Learning
03/24/2021 Conquering Evaluation Challenges
01/15/2021 Indiana Evaluation Association - Learnings & Resources from AEA
12/09/2020 SAVE-the-DATE: CEA Annual Members' Meeting & Party
12/04/2020 Career Pathways in Evaluation Virtual Panel
11/22/2020 Evaluation Team for Illinois Community Parenting Support Saturation Pilot
11/17/2020 Invitation to Submit Nominations- CEA board positions _ Vice President and Secretary_11/17
10/21/2020 CEA Connections: A Virtual Networking Event
07/08/2020 Leveraging Qualitative and Mixed Methods Data for Culturally Responsive Storytelling with Pivot Data Design
06/11/2020 Using Evaluation to Help the Frontlines: The Maximizing Impact during COVID-19 Initiative with Dominica McBride
05/27/2020 Webinar: Making Better Use of Theories of Change for Evaluation with Patricia Rogers
05/07/2020 Chicagoland Evaluators Check-In
03/19/2020 POSTPONED: Conquering Evaluation Challenges
12/11/2019 Holiday Party and Annual Business Meeting
11/13/2019 Meet up at American Evaluation Association Conference
10/23/2019 Conquering Evaluation Challenges
09/19/2019 Webinar with Donna Mertens: Using a Transformative Lens for Evaluation of Sustainable Development Goals
08/28/2019 Jazzin' at the Shedd: Evaluation for Liberation with Dr. Rodney Hopson
07/25/2019 "Evidence" for Decision-Making with Jackie Singh
06/20/2019 Conquering Evaluation Challenges
05/15/2019 Re-scheduled! Workshop: Consulting Skills for Evaluators w/ Matt Feldmann, Ph.D.
05/02/2019 Evidence-Informed Design co-sponsored with The Evaluator's Institute
04/16/2019 Designing effective pilot program evaluations in partnership with communities
03/28/2019 A Conversation with AEA President Tessie Catsambas
03/07/2019 Webinar: Data UX with Amelia Kohm
12/11/2018 CEA Holiday Event and Annual Business Meeting
10/31/2018 Meet Up at American Evaluation Association Conference
10/24/2018 Conquering Evaluation Challenges
09/12/2018 Becoming Evaluation Ready: Evaluation Training Session for Community Organizations
08/30/2018 Evaluation & Community Collaboration Conference
08/22/2018 Jazzin' at the Shedd with Leslie Goodyear
05/03/2018 What Can We Learn From a Multitude of Impact Evaluations? with Mark W. Lipsey, PhD
04/10/2018 Empowerment Evaluation Perspectives - A Webinar Conversation w/ David Fetterman, Ph.D.
03/30/2018 Improving Performance Management: Using Results Based Accountability
01/31/2018 Workshop: Introductory Consulting Skills for Evaluators w/ Matt Feldmann, Ph.D.
01/31/2018 Introduction to Independent Consulting
06/28/2017 Reorganize and Reform. Again? with Kathy Newcomer, PhD
11/10/2016 Post #Evaluation2016 Recap
09/14/2016 Nicole Bowman on Culturally Responsive Indigenous Evaluation + Jazzin' at the Shedd
06/15/2016 Evaluating parent's report: hospital interior design and children's anxiety
05/18/2016 The Dashboard Dance: Creating High-Quality, Interactive Data Visualizations

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