Donna M. Mertens - Transformative Designs in Mixed Methods: What We’ve Learned from Listening to Marginalized Communities

  • 05/29/2024
  • 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Zoom


Join Chicagoland Evaluation Association on May 29th at 2 pm CST via zoom to hear from Donna M. Mertens present: "Transformative Designs in Mixed Methods: What We’ve Learned from Listening to Marginalized Communities."

Transformative Designs in Mixed Methods: What We’ve Learned from Listening to Marginalized Communities. The evaluation field is benefiting from the inclusion of voices of evaluators from communities that were historically marginalized. The presentation will focus on how mixed methods approaches to evaluation are being enhanced by the work done by communities that have experienced marginalization on the basis of gender, race/ethnicity, disability, deafness, sexual identity, and Indigeneity. The preparation of the third edition of Program Evaluation Theory and Practice (Mertens, Hall & Wilson, in press) provided an opportunity to expand the representation of the voices of younger evaluators, as well as those who represent marginalized communities. Examples of mixed methods designs will be shared that come from the LGBTQ+ community, people with disabilities, Indigenous nations and tribes, gender specialists, and communities of color.

About Donna M. Mertens:

Mertens is Professor Emeritus at Gallaudet University with a specialization in research and evaluation methodologies designed to support social transformation. She has authored, co-authored, or edited many books that include mixed methods approaches to evaluation methods and human rights, most recently Mixed Methods Research, Program Evaluation Theory and Practice 3rd ed; Mixed Methods Design in Evaluation; and Research and Evaluation in Education and Psychology: Integrating Diversity with Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods 6th ed. She focuses on the intersection of research and evaluation with social, economic and environmental justice and human rights within the philosophical assumptions of the transformative paradigm. Mertens served as the editor for the Journal of Mixed Methods Research 2010–2014. She was President of the American Evaluation Association in 1998 and served on the Board from 1997 to 2002; she was a founding board member of the International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation and the Mixed Methods International Research Association.

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