Jazzin' at the Shedd with
Dr. Rodney Hopson:
Evaluation for Liberation
Where: Shedd Aquarium, 1200 S Lake Shore Dr, Chicago, IL 60605
JAZZIN' ENTRANCE: To gain entrance to the CEA event at Shedd Aquarium, enter Shedd through the accessible entrance, which is behind the Man with Fish fountain (see map).
Parking is available at Soldier Field North Garage
First 4 hours: $20
4 to 12 hours: $25

Mark your calendar for August 28th at 6pm at the Shedd Aquarium for CEA's annual Jazzin' at the Shedd event featuring Dr. Rodney Hopson! Hopson will spend time with the group reflecting on defining questions that push our field of evaluation:
1) who sets the agenda for evaluation, 2) who informs and influences our evaluation work, and 3) what assumptions drive our tools?
Based on these questions, Hopson will provide examples of his work through stories, poems, and visuals to portray why and how evaluators should be careful not to get caught asking the wrong questions.
The Chicagoland Evaluation Association is delighted to welcome Dr. Rodney Hopson, Senior Fellow and Associate Director of the Center for Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment (CREA) at University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign to deliver a presentation to CEA members at Jazzin' at the Shedd.
About Dr. Rodney Hopson
Rodney Hopson, Ph.D. serves as Professor of Evaluation in the Department of Educational Psychology, College of Education, University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign. Previously, he served as Professor, Division of Educational Psychology, Research Methods, and Education Policy in the College of Education and Human Development, George Mason University Hillman Distinguished Professor, Department of Educational Foundations and Leadership in the School of Education, and teaching faculty member in the Center for Interpretive and Qualitative Research and Honors College in the School of Liberal Arts, Duquesne University. He received his Ph.D. from the Curry School of Education, University of Virginia with major concentrations in educational evaluation, anthropology, and policy, and sociolinguistics.
Among his research awards, fellowships, and honors, he has received a National Institute on Drug Abuse Postdoctorate Research Fellowship at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (1997-1998); a J. William Fulbright Foreign Fellowship to the Republic of Namibia, southern Africa (2001); Wolfson College Visiting Fellowship at Cambridge University (2005-2006); Presidential Awards for Excellence in Scholarship at Duquesne University (1999 and 2003). Hopson has previously received the Marcia Guttentag Early Career Award (2000), the Robert Ingle Award for Service Award (2010), and the Paul F. Lazarsfeld Evaluation Theory Award (2017), all from the American Evaluation Association. Additionally, he received the Eugene P. Beard Award for Leadership in Ethics from Duquesne University (2011). Hopson’s co-authored paper (with Jill Chouinard) won honorable mention in the Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation 2016 best article competition. His primary research areas lie in comparative and international education policy and politics with a focus on official, indigenous, and medium of instruction language issues; critical democratic, and cultural issues in education and social policy and evaluation; neighborhoods and education policy; and interpretive, qualitative and ethnographic methods.
Hopson has co-edited or authored 7 book volumes, (co-) edited 3 special issue volumes, and (co-) authored over 20 peer reviewed articles in such venues such as Anthropology and Education Quarterly, Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education, International Journal of Human Rights, Journal of Negro Education, New Directions for Evaluation, Race, Ethnicity, & Education, Review of Educational Research, and Urban Education. In addition, he has co-authored over 25 book chapters in such venues such as Handbook of Urban School Leadership, International Handbook on Evaluation, Handbook on Practical Program Evaluation, The Handbook of Social Research Ethics, and The International Handbook on Urban Education, and other titles in national and international social science and educational research.
Hopson has received funding from the National Science Foundation, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and other local and international funders in support of his research and evaluation work, such as school districts, universities, and philanthropic agencies. He has developed internship and fellowship programs to support graduate and post-graduate students of color and from traditionally underrepresented communities to embed in their practice and the understanding and development of Culturally Responsive Evaluation (CRE) approaches and practices.
Hopson currently or recently served on the editorial boards of several publications, including American Journal of Evaluation, Anthropology and Education Quarterly, Education and Ethnography (where he serves as North American co-editor), Educational Foundations, Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, Journal of Negro Education, New Directions for Evaluation, and the following book volumes: Encyclopedia of Evaluation and the Evaluation and Society (Information Age). He is editor of the Studies in Educational Ethnography Book Series, Emerald Publishers and co-editor of Educational Policy as/in Practice: Critical Cultural Studies, Information Age Book Series.
In leadership capacities, Hopson has served on the Board of the Directors of the Council of Anthropology and Education, the American Evaluation Association, and various program, division, special or topical interest groups, and committee chair roles in the American Educational Research Association, the American Evaluation Association, and the Comparative and International Education Society. Most notably, he served as the 2012 President of the American Evaluation Association.