Teaching and Learning Evaluation in a Formal Setting: Panel Discussion
Join Chicagoland Evaluation Association online for a panel discussion about teaching evaluation!
Our panelists, Lisa Aponte-Soto, Rebecca Teasdale, and Judah Viola, will discuss the field of evaluation education and their roles in it, how they see the field of evaluation education evolving, and share insights gained from working with evaluation students and communities in Chicago.
This event is open to members of all local evaluation affiliate councils.
November 28, 2023
12:00 - 1:00pm CST
Online - Zoom
Lisa Aponte-Soto, PhD, MHA is the founding President/CEO of Tanoma Consulting LLC, a consulting firm providing transfor
mative research, evaluation, and training services to advance health, education, and workforce equity. She specializes in asset-based community-driven models using mixed methods research and evaluation approaches. She facilitates capacity building workshops on culturally responsive practices, leadership, strategic visioning, and quality assurance for diverse organizations. She also currently serves as the Director of the Evaluation Pathways Program and Co-Director of the American Evaluation Association (AEA) Graduate Diversity Internship Program. Additionally, Dr. Aponte-Soto is an adjunct faculty member at DePaul University College of Science and Health.
Rebecca Teasdale, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Illinois Chicago. As an evaluation methodologist, she develops methods and tools to help evaluators understand constituents’ values about programs, represent those values with multidimensional evaluative criteria, and use criteria to guide inquiry. Much of her work addresses values and criteria in culturally responsive and equity- and social justice-oriented evaluation. At UIC, Rebecca teaches graduate-level courses in evaluation methods, evaluation theory, and qualitative methods. She served as Chicagoland Evaluation Association Treasurer from 2019 to 2022 and currently serves as Program Co-Chair of the American Evaluation Association Research on Evaluation Topical Interest Group. https://education.uic.edu/profiles/teasdale-rebecca/
Judah Viola, PhD is a community psychologist. He is a professor and former college
Dean at National Louis University where he has been teaching program evaluation, research methods and consultation within the community psychology PhD program since 2009. As a program evaluator, he most often uses mixed-method approaches and combines formative and summative approaches. Evaluation clients have included local and national nonprofit organizations, public school systems, museum and art institutions, social service agencies, and community development organizations. His interests involve promoting healthy communities and increasing civic engagement and prosocial behavior of individuals and groups within communities. This has led him to a varied range of research topics including: posttraumatic growth, neighborhood revitalization, urban education for students with disabilities, substance abuse aftercare, affordable housing, access to healthcare, access to healthy food, fatherhood, and violence prevention and intervention programs for youth. For more info see: http://works.bepress.com/judah_viola/
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